You are allowed to upgrade, but need to start over for a downgrade. This is true for any package changes as well. If you added this feature and decide you want to remove it, it's too late you're required to "clear all forms and start over". This should be included in the Deluxe Package, but it is actually an extra $50, which nearly doubles the cost. After finishing your Federal Taxes, however it asks if you'd like to transfer the information you've already input in your Federal Taxes over to your State Taxes. I ended up needing the Deluxe package, which is $60 (not a big deal). I've been with ***** since 2008, but I'm not sure I'll be using this service in the future, unless these issues are addressed.
Keep adding fees, then wouldn't let me take anything off unless I started all over again.Now, I have paid over $100 for no reason at all other than the fact that this company make it completely impossible to return to the free version of their software.
It was completely useless because I cannot itemize and the use the standard deduction.
I generally like ******, however I accidentally clicked the upgrade version and was unable to revert to the free version no matter what I tried. They really want to milk you dry at every point possible. Also, no way to go back and redo payment options. There are so many parts in the process where they try to nickle and dime & trick you into paying more money when you don't need to: "Donate" here, "Upgrade" this or "conveniently" get your money into an account that isn't actually your own bank account. The service on this other non site ******* is convenient, but you really have to read the fine print when selection options. These comments are not about, but from experiences users had on other online tax preparation sites. The feedback below was posted by taxpayers about other tax preparation sites. Not on ! Read how ensures security on our site and review how we keep your information private Other sites might use your data to not only sell you other financial services but might even sell your tax data. Your personal data is only used to prepare and eFile your taxes. Meet n' Beat does not apply in retrospective. Note: Competitor's price must be presented before payment on. Only offers Meet n' Beat: If you find a lower online tax preparation fee for the exact same service, we will not only meet this price, but also beat it!* Simply contact us about your "Meet 'n Beat" price.