The Ramayana, in Sanskrit, consists of some 24,000 couplets divided into seven books. (If you take Professor Nayak's mythology course, you get to read the Mahabharata). The Ramayana is the shorter of the two great epic poems of India, the other being the Mahabharata. The main purpose of this incarnation is to demonstrate the righteous path (dharma) for all living creatures on earth. According to Hindu tradition, Rama is an incarnation (avatar) of the God Vishnu. The final version can be roughly dated to early forms of the Mahabharata. Valmiki, the traditional author of the poem, lived maybe 1000 BCE, although versions of the long epic poem pre-date Valmik.

The Ramayana is often called the "adikavya" (first poem) and Valmiki-the "adikavi" (first poet). NarayanĪnd based on an eleventh-century Tamil edition of the epic. Has continued to undergo transformation and further development since he poem also very much resembles Homer's The Odyssey and Iliad in its structure and form Politics, history, myth, religion and adventure that tells the story of he work-transmittedĪnd transformed orally for centuries before being written down sometime in the fourth century BCE-is a mix of

Is one of South Asia's oldest epic poems. Rama, Sita, Lakshmana and Hanuman in the forest.